Accu-Rate DLL Rate Engine for ABC Logistics Returns rates for MARS 500 Effective 1-01-1996 This CD contains: 1. The DLL rate engine and its data files 2. A sample VB project that calls the dll. 3. A spreadsheet that has a description of the shipment data that is passed between the calling app and the dll. Installation: If you have autorun turned on, installation should automatically begin when this CD is inserted into your drive. If not, double-click on Setup.exe on this CD to begin installation. Using Accu-Rate DLL: Within the dll is a public sub-routine named "GetShipmentCharges" that your program calls to get shipment charges. Note that this is not a function, and will not return a value itself; all data passed and returned is via two variables (parameters), both containing string data. The first variable is the path to the data files. When multiple tariffs are being used, it is recommended that each tariff's data files are placed in their own folder to keep them organized. The default installation does this. The data files for the MARS 500 tariff are: Mar500ae.961 Mar500br.961 Mar500cm.961 Mar500er.961 Mar500mc.961 Mar500mx.961 Mar500zb.961 The second variable is the string of shipment data. A description of this data can be found in the spreadsheet Parms.xls included on the CD. The fields Origin ZIP, Destination ZIP, Tariff, Effective Date, and at least one Article (class and weight) are required for every shipment. *** Tariff should always contain MARS 500 *** Effective Date should always contain 19960101 All other fields are optional and should contain spaces if they are not being used. One of the following values will always be returned in the Return Code field: 00 - SUCCESSFUL 01 - THIS TARIFF IS NOT AVAILABLE 02 - RATES ARE NOT AVAILABLE FOR THIS DATE 03 - THE ORIGIN ZIP CODE IS NOT FOUND IN THIS TARIFF 04 - THE DESTINATION ZIP CODE IS NOT FOUND IN THIS TARIFF 05 - NO RATE BASE NUMBER FOR THIS PAIR OF ZIP CODES 06 - TARIFF DATA IS MISSING OR CORRUPT - CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR 99 - INTERNAL SYSTEM ERROR - CONTACT ADMINISTRATOR Using the sample app and VB project: The sample app DLLTestApp.exe is a VB app that allows you to test the installation of the dll and its data, providing you install it to the default location (C:\MARS\01_01_1996). The VB 6.0 project DLLTestApp.vbp contains the source code for this app, which shows how the dll is called from a VB program. You are free to use or alter this code if you wish. Support: If you have any questions or problems using the Accu-Rate DLL, please call Jim Jaggers at 800-545-7091 ext. 216, or email